Saturday, April 12, 2008

Why do people become EMO?

Here are some reasons why people become emo:

1) Family Issues

2) To Control Pain

3) To Feel alive

4) To get attention (Some people that are "fake")

5) A Cry Out For Help

6) To express their feelings

7) To Feel Better

8) To Use As A Coping Skill

9) To Stop Hurting

10) To Make Them Know That They Are Not Invisible

but there's more reason why people become emo and act like one.


AJ said...

true this one..

sure, i'll add u up. txs and..come back. :)


Ann Lucas said...

Hi there! lets exchange links! I already added you up in my blog check it out!

Also checkout my gaming website its Ultimate Flash Game Archive
where you can Play Free Games and get games for your blog.

I don't know if you will find this game offensive or something but hope you'll like to humor side on it.



p said...

i'd go for #6. as a subculture i think they do have things to say.

also, i hate it when people drop links on my site without commenting on the post itself. that makes me emo. =P